Hey guys!
It's been forever since I've made a post but here are some tips for straightening your hair! (Video at bottom)
I've been flat ironing my hair for the past 10 years so I've gotten pretty quick at it. At first, my hair was so thick and long that it took me nearly an hour or two to get through it all and by then, it still didn't look great. But I've since perfected my technique and now I'm down to about 15-20 minutes!
Your hair is a very special thing and I highly encourage you to spend a little more money on your hair care products. That means shampoos and conditioners that may be $20 each and a heat protectant that is at least $10. Of course, if you aren't constantly exposing your hair to extreme heat, you certainly don't have to spend a whole lot (but it still wouldn't hurt). Your hair is worth the money-it's an investment! I promise.
I've used this Nexxus product for about a year and I don't foresee myself using any other kind of heat protectant of its nature. I randomly decided to use an older product I had just to see what it would be like and I was surprised to realize just how well the Nexxus protectant works. I highly recommend using it if you're in the market for a quality heat protectant. I found it at Walmart for close to $10 but I also know that Ulta sells it.
I don't use the Tresemme heat protection mousse every time I flat iron my hair but it is definitely a good product. It does add a really good texture to my hair to make it stronger. It is also super effective when blow drying your hair.
I have been using this Nume flat iron for 4 years and it still works just as well as it did the first time I used it. Nume creates truly quality products that are reasonably priced. I highly recommend using their products (shop here: http://numeproducts.com/)
It's been forever since I've made a post but here are some tips for straightening your hair! (Video at bottom)
I've been flat ironing my hair for the past 10 years so I've gotten pretty quick at it. At first, my hair was so thick and long that it took me nearly an hour or two to get through it all and by then, it still didn't look great. But I've since perfected my technique and now I'm down to about 15-20 minutes!
Your hair is a very special thing and I highly encourage you to spend a little more money on your hair care products. That means shampoos and conditioners that may be $20 each and a heat protectant that is at least $10. Of course, if you aren't constantly exposing your hair to extreme heat, you certainly don't have to spend a whole lot (but it still wouldn't hurt). Your hair is worth the money-it's an investment! I promise.
This is my hair after I showered and let it air dry. it's a little bit poofy and wavy so let's get it straightened out!
My hair is incredibly soft and super healthy post-straightening. I wish you could feel just how soft and healthy it is. I use a lot of good products to protect it and it is definitely worth it.
These are the products that I used:

Here is a video showing my technique!
Something to note:
If you use a comb in combination with your flat iron like I show above, your hair will be much less tangled and much much straighter. Additionally, try not to touch your clean hair with your fingers as much as possible. Believe it or not, your hair will get very oily quickly if you touch your hair a lot while styling. Become one with your comb and you will not be disappointed :)